Our Founder - Mr. Mahesh Fernando

Mr. Mahesh Fernando

It takes a lot of courage to stand independently and decide that you are going to become a business entrepreneur, it takes even more courage to face the difficulties and challenges that decision invites and transform yourself into a success story.

The interview with our founder Mr. Mahesh Fernando published below is full of insight and passionate motivation for all who wish to tread the path that is least taken and still hope to arrive at the castle of success.

1. How do you remember your decision to become a vehicle seller?
I was always interested in cars and most types of automobiles. I was privileged to be born to a family where personal vehicles were owned for three generations. I used to enjoy going on rides with my father who had a love for motorcars and kept on upgrading them to the latest model that was available - so vehicles, specially motor cars, was part of my life from my birth. My father's love for motorcars crept into me and I too wanted to start owning them for myself.

My father was a very disciplined person and strictly believed that whatever that I wanted for myself must be earned through genuine effort and not just acquired through inheritance or because my father can afford it for me - so he never let me touch his motorcars but encouraged me to find a way to earn my own.

After my O/L exams, in the three months they give as vacation until results are released, I came up with various schemes to earn myself a motorcar. As soon as the O/L exams were over, my father gave me employment as an Accounts assistant at his plantation business. However, I felt that being employed does not give me the kind of satisfaction I was searching for in life, so I decided to become an employer instead.

In those days, not many owned a motor vehicle and there was a big demand for used motorcars in the market. I decided to purchase a motorcar from the government auction, restore it to its best condition and resell it at a profit. I prepared a small business plan and showed it to my father with a request for a Rs.30,000/= loan from him. He looked at it, approved it and gave me the money. It was the day on which the foundation was laid for Mahesh International. I was able to buy a car from the auction, restore it as planned, and sell it at a higher profit than I expected. I continued this business for some time even while attending school for the Advanced Level exams. By the time I finished the A/L exam, I had built up a reputation for myself and people in the vehicle trade respected and recognised my name because I was obsessed with the quality of the vehicles I sold.

So with time, I decided to expand this business by adding vehicle imports to the list. It rocket launched the business to its current state - which solidified my position as a vehicle seller and Mahesh International's status as a respected and genuine car dealership.

2. What made you feel that becoming an employer would give you more satisfaction instead of being employed?
Well, I think it is something that was in my blood. (laughing) My grandfather was an entrepreneur and he single handed built a highly diversified business empire which included imports and exports. He gave employment to many hundreds of people and his memory is still well respected. He had a big impact upon my life because it was he who laid the foundation from where we operate today. After him, his children took the controls of the business and developed them independently.

After A/L's, I got selected to the Kelaniya University to study Business Management and after the first semester, I decided that my dream cannot be achieved through education alone although it is very important. Had I decided to stay, I would have been able to get employment in one of Sri Lanka's leading companies, but that was not what I wanted - I felt that was not what I was born for. So I left the university, and re-entered the business, this time with renewed interest and more commitment and started importing motor vehicles.

My vision was to enter a business that was not attempted by my grandfather and then become successful in it - vehicle trade perfectly fit that description. I wanted to follow his footsteps in serving society by providing employment - which I have done through all the business that I have started so far. I have the satisfaction of knowing that by sacrificing being employed comfortably and by choosing to become an employer instead - I was able to create many job opportunities that support many families. That is the best reward I enjoy by being an employer.

3. Who helped you become who you are today as a person and a businessman?
I am indebted to my parents for a lot of things. They have constantly given me the support and encouragement I need in times of challenge and troubles.

Although my grandfather was unable to coach me personally on how to run a business, his memory and his life story taught me a lot of lessons on how to deal with certain situations and how to become successful.

To develop myself as a person, I believe, the bulk of the lessons were taught by my father and mother who were very devoted to each other and the family. I must also gratefully remember my teachers, Brother Principles and Rectors at my Alma Maters - Marist Stella College and St. Peter's College Colombo who instilled in us a lot of good qualities through their example and guidance.

The biggest motivation in the business world I have is the memory of my grandfather and also the kindness and mercy I received from the Lord to overcome many challenges through faith - a blessing that has undoubtedly helped me become who I am today.

4. Do you believe in sharing your success with society?
I am a strong believer of sharing the good blessings we receive with the whole world.

With the success of Mahesh International, we were able to embark in many CSR projects and we have constructed houses for the homeless, helped many registered charity organisations and also continue to maintain a hospital ward at the Negombo Base Hospital.

Sharing the success is one of the reasons that motivated me to become an employer, and whatever genuine cause that needs assistance, I would not hesitate to do the needful as our CSR budget permits.

5. What is the future vision you have for Mahesh International?
There are so many plans I have for the future. One of the main targets is to develop the showroom concept for vehicles in the near future and afterwards we expect to venture into a niche segment in the vehicle industry.

We are expanding our business interests through Mahesh Corporation, we already have a respectable presence in the hospitality industry, plantations and agricultural industry. We have plans to combine these businesses to offer our customers a unique experience other businesses simply can't afford to give. Our constant focus is to develop our customer relationships as much as possible. So all plans for the future revolve around giving the customer more value for their loyalty.

6. Summing up, what were your secret ingredients in achieving the success you enjoy today within a short span?
My secret ingredients are not big secrets at all. They better be called the basic ingredients of success because all those who others call are successful use these to achieve their goals.

I am grateful to the Lord for giving me the success I have today, and as for the tools - it was commitment, dedication, positive thinking and determination.

7. What would be your advice to the young generation or anybody who aspires to become an entrepreneur?
My honest advice I quote from the Holy Bible, and it is that "faith can move mountains". So trust in it. The only thing that matters is how much of faith you have in your idea more than anyone else. If you have enough faith in it, be sure that it can move enough mountains for you to become successful.

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